This afternoon I went with my kids to the event at the Rose Garden in downtown Daytona. It was beautiful weather, and we had some people working, weeding, and making new stepping stones. Kirsten and Billy were hard at work weeding and beautifying the area along with the DIG volunteers, while I did a painting looking towards the fire station on Orange Ave. Mark joined me later doing his own painting, and Pat stopped by for a visit too. Thanks to my other friends who visited for a while!
Heute nachmittag waren meine Kinder und ich im Rosengarten in Daytona Beach, wo einige Leute zusammenkamen und den Garten jaeteten, umpflanzten, und einfach gesellig waren. Ich malte die Szene zum Feuerhaus hin, und meine Malfreunde Mark und Pat kamen auch spaeter fuer einen Sprung vorbei.
My finished painting "At the Rose Garden"
8"x10" oil on panel