We have come back from our family vacation. We went to the same place as last year, Tremont in the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee right by the North Carolina border. It's close to Gatlinburg. We participated in the annual family summer camp again, and we had fun exploring the woods, biking at Cades Cove (beautiful, looks just like the area in Germany where I grew up!), and hiking over 5 miles on the last day. It was great to see several families from last year. We also went tubing again in the area.
wir sind von unserem Familienurlaub zurueckgekommen. Es war dasselbe Familien Camp in den Smoky Mountains in Tennessee, wo wir letztes Jahr waren. Wir verbrachten die Woche mit Fahrradfahren in Cades Cove (was genauso wie das liebliche Taubertal aussieht!), wandern (5 Meilen!), und spielen mit den anderen Familien, von denen wir etliche schon kannten.
At one of the many waterfalls: Back: Kirsten, me, Austin, Billy. Front: Sophia, Cadence, Kayla
Like last year I got some painting time in, and am very happy with my second effort. I set up right by the entrance where the light was hitting the bridge overpass over the raging river.
Wie letztes Jahr konnte ich ein paarmal malen, und ich war sehr zufrieden mit dem zweiten Bild. Ich setzte meine Staffelei am Eingang auf, wo die Sonne die kleine Bruecke ueber den wilden Fluss beschien.
Above: setup at the scene.
"Into the Light" oil on masonite, 5"x7"