As most of you know, I grew up in a small town in Germany. The community of Wittighausen consists of 4 different small towns (avg. population 700) in Northern Bavaria (, They are going to celebrate their 950th annniversary in June next year (founded in 1060 - wow!). I was asked to contribute some of my older paintings as a basis for greeting cards to be sold then, and also provide some newer paintings. A commission of 4 new scenes of the churches of each town! Most of the original paintings will be available for sale during the festivities next year, and will also be sold as a set of 8 greeting cards.

These are the first paintings I painted years ago, which will be available in the set of cards.
Dies sind die ersten Gemaelde, die ich vor Jahren gemalt habe, und im Set zu erhalten sind.

I started the 4 new paintings this week, and here are the preliminary drawings for placement and distribution of light and shade. These are washed in with burnt sienna in acrylics, to be developed later with oils in color. They are each 15.5"x20".
Hier sind die preliminaeren Leinwaende, um die Motive gut zu plazieren und das Schatten- und Lichtspiel festzusetzen. Alle Gemaelde sind 40x50cm. Die Grundierung besteht aus braunen Akrylfarben, worauf ich dann spaeter in Oel die Farben entwickeln werde. Bin schon sehr zufrieden damit.

I will post the progress here on this blog regularly, so you can see how I develop my studio paintings, and to also keep me motivated to finish them in time! As usual, any and all comments and ideas are welcome!
Ich werde euch hier mit dem Blog auf dem Laufenden halten, so dass ihr meine Malweise seht, und auch, dass ich motiviert bleibe, die Gemaelde rechtzeitig fertigzustellen! Wie immer, wuerde ich mich riesig ueber Kommentare und Ideen freuen!
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