Finally had some time again to paint today. I finished the second church painting for Germany. Here it is. I had to do the front of the church, along with all the grasses and shrubbery in the foreground. Cleaned up some details, but that was pretty much it.
Heute schloss ich das 2. Gemaelde fuer Wittighausen ab. Ich musste die Kirchenfront und die Graeser/Straeucher im Vorgrund fertigmalen, und das war eigentlich alles. Gratulation an Bernhard Henneberger zur heutigen Wiederwahl zum Buergermeister!

A few details of the houses to the left and the steeple.
Ein paar Details der Haeuser und des Kirchenturms.

On to the next one!
Tschuess bis zum naechsten Gemaelde!
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