Dec 28, 2011

Commission finished

Merry Christmas!

I finished and delivered a painting of a home in Deland before Christmas, as it was a surprise gift for the client's wife. I heard she really liked it.
Ich malte vor Weihnachten einen Auftrag fuer einen Klienten, der es als Ueberraschung seiner Frau schenken wollte.

14"x11", oil on masonite

I was going to paint it plein air, but for some reason the weather and my schedule never clicked, since late October, and so I had to paint it from several photo resources. It came out wonderful though because I could use the knowledge I had accumulated from all my plein air outings and that made the highlights sparkle, and added detail in the shadows.
Ich wollte es eigentlich an Ort und Stelle malen, doch das Wetter und meine Wochenendplaene stimmten nie, so musste ich halt von Photos malen, was gut gelungen ist, da ich meine Erfahrung vom Plein Air Malen daran anwenden konnte. Die Highlights schimmern, und ich habe viel Details in den Photos, was  vom ordinaeren Photoabmalen nicht moeglich sein wuerde.

All the best in the new year!
Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!

1 comment:

Ruth Squitieri said...

I am posting this email I received from my client:
"The painting was very well received by my wife. It made for a very unique gift. The painting was a surprise, so Ruth worked very hard to try to schedule the on-site painting when my wife was out of the house. The weather never quite cooperated but the end result was just what I was looking for. Ruth was a pleasure to work with. Everything was coordinated via email. In fact, we never met until she delivered the painting. I would happily recommend her services." M. Woods