Jun 18, 2016

More gouache sketches

Hello everybody!
Currently, I love sketching in gouache (professional poster paints). Right now I'm practicing with my travel kit that I intend to bring with us when we visit Germany and Italy later this year. I am excited to hopefully bring back some really cool sketches of the old architecture and plazas there.
Zur Zeit skizziere ich viel in Gouache (Posterfarben). Ich uebe mit meinem kleinen Skizzenblock und den klitzekleinen Farbtuben und Pinseln, die ich nach Europa bringen werde, wenn wir spaeter im Jahr Deutschland und Italien besuchen. Ich freue mich schon drauf, ein paar tolle Szenen von der alten Architektur mitheimzubringen.

Last week I sat in our front yard and painted the effects of the setting sun on our street. It looks so lovely with the pinks and purples.
Letzte Woche sass ich im Vorgarten unseres Hauses (auf dem einzigen Huegel in Florida!) und skizzierte die Effekte der untergehenden Sonne. Unsere Strasse sieht viel toller aus mit Rosa und Violett!

Del Mar Drive, Gouache on watercolor paper, 8"x5"

Me in action in the front yard. 
Ich im Vorgarten.

The next day we went to the band shell at the beach in Daytona Beach, where there's a free concert every Saturday in the summer. This one was a cover band playing U2 songs. The sun was just setting, so the bright orange ground was perfect for that.
Am naechsten Tag gingen Austin und ich zur Bandshell in Daytona Beach am Strand. Es ist ein grosser Platz vor der Buehne, die mit 2 Tuermen und einem Muscheldach eingerahmt ist. An diesem Tag spielte eine lokale Band Lieder von U2. Im Sommer sind dort jeden Samstagabend Gratis-Konzerte, mit Feuerwerk um 21 Uhr.

Daytona Beach Bandshell, U2 Cover. Gouache on watercolor paper, 8"x5"

In addition I also like to switch it up with some mixed media collages. Recently some friends of ours attended their daughter's wedding, and I painted a custom collage of their vacation home in Cabo San Lucas, where we stayed back in April.
Das Bild unten ist eine neue Collage, das ich der Tochter eines Freundes zur Hochzeit malte, da wir in deren Ferienwohnung im April in Cabo San Lucas (Mexico) waren.

Cabo with custom mexican tiles (handpainted by me) on the left, a portrait of their house top right, and the famous landmark Land's End. It it 20"x20" on cradled birchwood panel.

More to come real soon! Ruth
Ich habe noch viel mehr zu berichten und zeigen, bis in kuerzester Zeit! Ruth

Jun 17, 2016

Interested in taking my composition/perspective class at the Artist Workshop?

Hello everybody
I want to announce that I am going to teach a 4-week class at the Artist Workshop in New Smyrna Beach in August. It will be every Thursday morning from 9:30AM-12:30PM, starting Aug 4.

COMPOSITION AND PERSPECTIVE IN ALL MEDIA - Studio B, Short term class, 4 weeks, $100.00 krautgraphics@gmail.com 386-451-6857 Starting Date: August 4. 2016

Sometimes it is hard to interpret and transpose the correct perspective of a photo or scene artistically on to a canvas. This class will explore how to move elements around, what can be left out, and how values and colors can all be combined to make a great finished work of art. Using your own photos or paintings, we will learn how to achieve a strong composition. These techniques can be used for any medium. Contact instructor for information or questions.

Please consider joining me - you can paint in any medium. I encourage you to bring finished paintings, photos or ideas you have in mind to paint and need some beginning help, or a painting that you are stuck with.

Here are some recent small studies I did on location that show a strong sense of perspective. We will explore the intricacies of buildings, streets and paths which include meandering creeks and rivers, boats, and far views like mountains.

Please call me to sign up at 386-451-6857, or call the Artist Workshop at 386-424-9254.
Hope to see you there! Ruth