Mar 20, 2018

Wekiva Paintout 2018 (part 2)

Continuation! (My dear sister in Germany just emailed me that my German is really "cute". LOL)
Fortsetzung! (Meine liebe Schwester Edith hat mir gerade geemailt, dass mein Deutsch "zum Schmunzeln" ist. Haha!)

Thursday morning I started this blog offline (but couldn't post it until now, as our cabin doesn't have wifi), and then went down to the Wekiva Island/Bar area. This whole week had been unusually cool, but dry and sunny with blue skies. Usually by now we have temps in the 60s/night and high 70s/day, but it's been 40s/night and high 60s/day. Some of the artists are from up north like Massachusetts and such, and they love it, but we Floridians are freezing!
Am Donnerstag morgen fing ich an, den Blog zu schreiben, konnte jedoch nichts postieren, da wir kein Wifi hatten, und ging dann wieder zu Wekiva Island. Die ganze Woche war gan kuehl, doch immer sonnig und trocken. Es war einfach wunderbares Wetter zum malen. Kuenstler von Nord-US wie Massachusetts und Michigan fanden es sehr warm, doch fuer uns Floridianer war es immer noch ziemlich kalt.

High live at Wekiva Island

I painted a corner of the bar area with the neat kinetic art installations that are placed there. The weather was great in the sun, but all the artists painting in the shade were still bundled up.
Ich malte eine Ecke der Bar mit den interessanten kinetischen Kunstwerken dort, finde es aber nicht gerade mein bestes ;-(

Have a Drink In the Shade, 14x11/35x27cm, oil on panel

I had a great lunch from Gary's food truck there with two other artists, and then waited for Captain Tom to come back with his pantoon boat. At 2pm he finally arrived and was delighted that I was going down the river with him again. I told him I didn't want to paint the river again, but instead asked if he could pose for me to do his portrait. He was honored and delighted and totally surprised at the request.

Ich ass ein tolles Mittagessen mit 2 Kuenstlern und wartete dann auf Capt'n Tom mit seinem Pantoon Boot. Als er endlich gegen 14 Uhr ankam von seiner Morgentour, fragte ich ihn, ob ich wieder mitkommen koennte. Aber nicht, um den Fluss zu malen, sondern ob er fuer mich sitzen wuerde fuer ein Portrait. Er war total ueberrascht und konnte sich fast nicht kriegen, dass jemand ihn malen wollte (ich versichterte ihn, dass er seine Kleider anlassen konnte!).

We anchored on Shell Island, where three other artists had been painting since noon, and I started his portrait in paint. I did not have any charcoal or pencil, but the burnt umber that Elisabeth gave me worked great. This was my third portrait from a live model ever, and the first time in the outside air! 
Wir hielten bei der Muschelinsel an, wo 3 andere Kuenstler schon seit Mittag malten, und ich fing Tom's Portrait an. Ich hatte keine Zeichenkohle oder Bleistift, und musste mir ein bisschen Umber von Elisabeth holen, um dann gleich mit Farbe anfangen zu koennen. Dies war mein 3. Portrait vom Modell, und das erstemal draussen!

The sun was shining strong on his left side, and made a great pattern I could follow. We were chatting all the way through, until I got to his mouth. After a bit more than an hour I deemed it final and when I showed it to him, he was absolutely delighted and amazed how it came out. He is such a nice guy, so I asked him if he would accept it as a gift after the event was over, as I wanted to hang it. He was even more surprised and texted his wife right away. It was great to see his joy.
Die Sonne schien sehr stark auf seine linke Seite und ich konnte dem Schattenspiel gut folgen. Wir schwatzten die ganze Stunde ueber, die ich malte, bis ich dann zum Mund kam. Als ich das Bild zu ihm drehte, war er ganz ausser sich und fand es sehr gut gelungen. Da es fuer mich nur eine Uebung war, schenkte ich ihm das Bild, worueber er sich so freute, dass er gleich allen Freunden und Verwandten das Bild uebers Handy schickte. Er ist ein echt lieber Kerl und ich freute mich, ihm eine Freude zu machen.

Capt'n Tom, 11x14/27x35cm, oil on panel

In the evening I went for a Mexican dinner with Stephanie M and Susan C, and came back to the cabin to chat for a while. It was a nice and relaxing evening.
Am Abend ging ich mit meinen Schlafgenossen Stephanie und Susan in die Stadt zu einem mexikanischen Restaurant, wo wir danach in der Huette ein bisschen schwatzten. Es war ein sehr geruhsamer Abend.

Friday morning we awoke to another chilly day, but this time the whole forest area was shrouded in a great thick fog. As the sun broke through at around 7:45, a couple of brave souls (crazy?) went out and painted the magnificent sunrays there. However it was still under 40 degrees, and I decided to paint later when it was getting much warmer. 
Am Freitag erwachten wir wieder zu einem kuehlen Morgen, doch diesesmal war der ganze Wald in einen tollen Nebel gehuellt. Als die Sonne gegen 7:45 durchbrach, fanden wir einige mutige Seelen (verrueckte?), die am Waldrand mit Handschuhen den Nebel malten. Es war immer noch unter 5 Grad, und ich wollte das nicht wagen...

I went to the bar area on Wekiva Island and started a huge canvas right by the bar. I decided to paint the beer taps, because they were in consistent light and very colorful and interesting. I started with purple, pink and blue acrylic colors and then outlined the taps in purple. Once that was dry I went in with my oils and punched up the colors. Between offers for beer and  free lunch I finished the painting by 2pm.  Altogether it took about 3 hours, which is quite a long time for me.
Ich ging zu Wekiva Island und fing ein riesiges Gemalde bei der Bar an. Die Bierhaehne sind so interessant und farbenfroh, und waren den ganzen Tag im Schatten. Ich find mit lila, rosa und blau an in Akrylik, und malte dann die Elemente in lila. Dann kamen die tollen Farben in Oel, und zwischen einem gratis Mittagessen und Angeboten fuer Bier gratis konnte ich es dann endlich gegen 14 Uhr rahmen.

Party Colors, 24"x18"/60x46cm, oil on panel

After changing at the cabin, I got one of the free kayaks that are provided to the artists this week and paddled around the Wekiwa a bit. It was very relaxing and scenic. I enjoyed myself immensely and did a little sketch in my book.
Danach zog ich mich um, da es nun ziemlich warm wurde in der Sonne, und bekam ein Kayak zugestellt, wo ich dann den Wekiwa ein bisschen rauf und runter paddelte. Es war sehr geruhsam und malerisch. Ich zeichnete ein bisschen in meinem Sketchbook.

In the evening the bar and whole island filled up with people, as it was a Friday night. I chatted with some artists, partook in the great pasta bar, and then walked around while some of the artists did nocturne paintings. I did not feel like doing that, and went back to the cabin for a good nights rest by 9pm.
Am Abend fuellte sich die ganze Insel und Bar mit Leuten, und einige der Kuenstler malten ein Nachtgemaelde. Nach dem tollen Abendessen hatte ich jedoch keine grosse Lust dazu, und besuchte jeden bei seiner Staffelei, und ging dann gegen 21 Uhr ins Bett.

Saturday, last day! After a great breakfast I went to Wekiwa Island again, and got a parking spot. It was filling up fast, as the weather was getting a bit warmer (more to the normal 80s), and it was St. Patrick's Day. I walked around a bit, chatted with artists and visitors, and then visited with some of the participants for the Quick Draw. I also got one of the kayaks again and spotted 2 alligators along with a brood of 6 baby alligators (maybe 15" long, a couple of weeks old, but what do I know?) After that I drove to Winter Park 20 minutes away to stroll around the Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival, one of the best in this area.
Samstag, der letzte Tag! Nach dem Fruehstueck kamen wieder viele Besucher und Schwimmer zur Inssel, denn nun ging das Wetter endlich ins Normale ueber (fast 26 Grad), und es war St. Patrick's Tag. Ich wanderte ein bischen herum und sah einige Leute malen. Dann setzte ich mich wieder in eine Kayak und ging den Fluss in die andere Richtung rauf. Ich sah einige Alligatoren, und das allererste Mal 6 Babies (sie waren ca. 40cm lang, nur einige Wochen alt, nach meiner Schaetzung). Dann fuhr ich nach Winter Park, wo ein tolles Kunstfest in Gange war und ich mir nun endlich mal die Beine strecken konnte.

In the afternoon we all changed and freshened up for the gala on this last night, which was awesome. Great food (4 different stations of food: Caesar salad with awesome toppings, Irish bangers and mash, Asian noodles, and fruit-topped crepes). We visited with the VIPs and patrons, and some sales were made. My very first painting, Gold in the Forest, sold that night. We also danced to the live music (great moves by Peter Carolin, James Dickinson, Manon Sander and Pam Ayres!), played Rummy, and sang some songs to the guitar played by Priscilla Coote. The evening went fast and the weather was not as cold as the other nights. 
Am Nachmittag zogen wir uns alle die besten Sachen an, denn heute abend war die Gala. Tolles Essen, VIPs und Kunstliebhaber, die alle da waren und einige Gemaelde kauften. Einige von uns tanzten zur Live Musik (um aufzuwaermen!), spielten ein paar Runden Romme, und sangen zur Gitarre. Der Abend ging dann eigentlich ziemlich schnell und voller Gaudi rum.

My bunk-buddies Susan and Stephanie

Playing cards with fellow artist Manon Sanders (originally from Berlin)

My wall of works

Around midnight we went to bed at the cabins, and everybody packed up early Sunday morning and drove home. It was a great paintout with great friendships forged! I will remember everybody fondly and it was great to get to know the other artists so well.
Gegen Mitternacht waren wir dann im Bett, und packten am Morgen alles frueh ein. Ich kam vor Mittag daheim an, und hatte nun schoene Erinnerungen (und Austin ein tolles Bierhahn-Gemaelde). Dieser Paintout hatte viel Spass gemacht, da wir uns alle viel besser kennenlernen konnten. Kuenstler sind echt lieb UND voller Gaudi.

Thanks for making it to this last paragraph! Ruth
Danke, dass ihr es bis hier gelesen habt! Bis spaeter Ruth

Wekiva Paintout 2018 (part 1)

Welcome to my rundown of the weeklong Paintout at Wekiva! Sit down, grab a drink and get comfortable. It's a long story!
Willkommen zu meinerm Bericht vom Paintout in Wekiva! Machts Euch gemuetlich, es ist eine lange Erzaehlung!

On Sunday evening we checked into our cabins after a welcome dinner. There were 35 artists!
Am Sonntag nachmittag machten wir es uns in der Huette zurecht nach dem Willkommen-Abendessen. Wir hatten 35 Kuenstler!

Our "cabin" in the woods. Adult camping! No tents, no outdoor grilling, no going behind bushes... ahh-some!
Unsere "Huette" im Wald. Camping fuer Erwachsene! Keine Zelte, kein Essenmachen im Wald, keine Toilette hinter'm Busch... toll!

Monday morning we awoke to some drizzle and overcast skies. We went down to the river and got a private pantoon boat tour with Captain Tom to scout out some painting locations of the Wekiwa river. It was very scenic, even without the sun.
Am Montag erwachten wir zu leichtem Regen und verwolktem Himmel. Ein paar von uns fuhren runter zum Fluss und machten eine Privat Tour mit Captain Tom auf seinem Pantoon Boot, um zu sehen, ob wir spaeter in der Woche vom Boot aus malen wollten. Es war sehr malerisch, sogar ohne Sonne.

After lunch the sun broke through, a breeze picked up and it got quite chilly. Chilly for Florida, only about 65 degrees! I packed up my gear and drove a hundred yards from the cabin to a little clearing by the road where I painted my first little one. The grasses looked golden in the sun, and the dark tree trunks stood out wonderfully against this gold and the bright blue of the sky.
Nach dem Mittagessen kam endlich die Sonne raus, eine Briese kam auf, und es wurde ziemlich kuehl (fuer Florida - nur 16 Grad!). Ich fuhr ein paar hundert Schritte zu einer Lichtung im Wald, wo ich mein erstes (und bestes, finde ich) Gemaelde malte. Die Graeser schienen golden in der Sonne, und die dunklen Baumstaemme machten einen guten Kontrast zu dem Gold der Graeser und dem Blau des Himmels.

Gold in the Forest, 8x10/20x30cm, oil on panel SOLD

After that I drove down to Wekiva Island where most of the events are held, and set up in the main tent looking towards the "Bridge to Nowhere". A visitor started chatting with me and showed me his sketch book. While painting I gave him some tips and advice.
Danch fuhr ich zur "Wekiva Insel", wo die meisten Parties und Galas gehalten wurden, und malte in Richtung Zelt und Bruecke. Ein Besucher schwatzte ein bisschen mit mir und zeigte mir sein Skizzenbuch. Sehr interessant.

Wekiwa in the Spring, 14x11/27x36cm, oil on panel  SOLD at auction

Dinner was brought to the mess hall where we are all staying, and we turned in for an early night. The temperatures dipped into the 40s overnight, and none of us wanting to wake up the others (I bunked with 3 other gals), we just all lay there freezing, until the morning when we discovered the thermostat.
Das Abendessen wurde zu uns in die Gemeindehuette gebracht, and dann gingen wir alle ziemlich frueh ins Bett. Die Temperaturen gingen auf 5 Grad runter ueber Nacht, und da niemand die anderen aufwachen wollte (wir hatten 4 Frauen in meiner Huette), lagen wir alle zitternd dort, bis wir dann am Morgen das Thermostat fanden.

It was a very chilly morning on Tuesday (very unusual for Florida to still have mornings in the 40s and highs only in the 60s in March!), when I met with John Caggiano and Joe Palmerio to have Captain Tom drive us down to an opening in the river with his Pantoon. We parked in the full sun, where it got bearable, and painted from the boat, chatting with Tom and producing some artwork. I did a small 5x7, which is really not my size, but it came out really good. I then started the same scene on a 14x11, but that did not work out and is not worthy of a frame. Around 1pm we got back to the docks.
Am Morgen war es dann sehr kuehl (fuer Florida sehr ungewoehnlich, nachts nur 5 Grad und am Tag nur 15 Grad - normalerweise ist es nun schon 15 in der Nacht und fast 30 am Tag!). Ich traf mich mit 2 anderen Kuenstlern und Capt'n Tom fuhr uns im Boot in eine Lichtung des Flusses, wo wir dann unsere Staffeleien im Boot aufsetzten und fuer ca. 3 Stunden malten, waehrend Tom mit uns schwatzte oder ein Nickerchen hielt. Mein kleines kam sehr gut raus, doch eine groessere Version davon war nicht "rahm-bar"

Painting on the Capt'n Tom's pantoon boat.

Wekiwa Morning, 7x5/17x13cm, oil on panel

In the afternoon I went back down to Wekiva Island and looked around for some interesting lily pads. They don't have the regular lilies, but only yellow button ones that never really open. I found a nice sunny place with some shade by the waters edge and zeroed in to these two lilies that poked their heads out over the water. I started with some crazy purple and yellow acrylic underpainting as usual, and then did the detailed leaves. I had never painted something in detail like that, especially organic, so it was an unusual piece for me, but I really liked it once it was in the gold frame.
Am Nachmittag ging ich wieder runter zur Insel und schaute mich nach interessanten Seerosenblaettern um. Leider wachsen dort keine "normalen" Seerosen, sondern nur die gelben "Knoepfe", die sich nie ganz entfalten. Ich fand einen schattigen Platz am Ufer, wo ich 2 Seerosen malen konnte, die dort ihre Koepfe ausstreckten. Ich fing mit meiner wilden Untermalung in lila und gelbem Akrylik an, und malte dann die Blaetter. Ich hatte noch nie was in Detail wie dies gemalt, vor allem was organisches, aber mir gefiel das Endwerk echt gut, vor allem dann im goldenen Rahmen.

Gold Buttons, 11x14/30x40cm, oil on panel 

On Wednesday morning I was very refreshed as I slept like a bear in the toasty cabin, now that we found the regulator for the heater! I had to do some work for my graphic design business, but could start a little one around noon down by the spring. It's a popular swimming spot, and despite the air temperatures being around 68, and the water a constant 72, there were quite a few people enjoying the crystal clear water. Peter Carolin and John Caggiano painted nearby, while I put the view of the bridge with some palm trees on my panel. The turquoise water was just magical.
Am Mittowch morgen wachte ich total erfrischt auf, da wir nun endlich Heizung in der Huette hatten. Ich beschaeftigte mich fuer ein paar Stunden mit meinem Graphik Design Business, und find dann gegen Mittag zu malen an. Ich ging zur Quelle des Flusses, wo das Wasser uebers ganze Jahr konstant 21 Grad ist (brrr), und ganz klar. Viele Leute schwammen tatsaechlich dort! Ein paar andere Kuenstler malten auch dort, denn das klare Wasser hatte einen tollen tuerkisen Schein. 

Cool Waters, 8x10/20x30cm, oil on panel

In the afternoon I rested and brought the last paintings down to the gallery, because the live auction was starting at 6pm. Austin came over and we walked around a bit and talked with everybody. It was getting very chilly again, and he left early. The live auction consisted of 35 pieces of donated art (one per artist) to benefit several local ecological charities. My  piece went for $450! I was very happy and chatted with the buyer afterwards. Altogether it is estimated that the auction brought in about $20,000.
Am Nachmittag brachte ich dann die letzten Gemaelde zur Galerie, denn die Live Auktion fing um 18 Uhr an. Austin kam auch vorbei und wir schwatzten mit einigen Leuten und hatten ein tolles Abendessen am Foodtruck dort. Jeder der 35 Kuenstler spendete ein Gemaelde, das dann auktioniert wurde fuer einen guten oekologischen Zweck. Mein Gemaelde brachte $450 ein! Ich war echt happy darueber und lernte die Kaeuferin/Kunstliebhaberin kennen. Der totale Erloes war ca. $20.000!

The beautiful Wekiwa River. Der wunderschoene Wekiwa Fluss.

More in the next post! Mehr im naechsten Bericht!

Mar 5, 2018

Composition and Perspective Class starting soon

Hello fellow artists!
Back by popular demand I will do another 6-week class of COMPOSITION AND PERSPECTIVE.

I am starting the class on Monday afternoon, March 19, 2018. It will go for 6 Mondays (til April 23), 1-4pm, at the Artists Workshop studios here at 540 Barracuda Blvd, NSB, behind the Marine Discovery Center. $80 for AWI members, $95 for non-members. Please sign up directly with me.

How many times have you started a painting, only to discover half way thru that items are pushed too far to the edge, seemed to "grow", or that you can't make up that background after all? Or you found that you should have painted vertically instead of landscape format? This class will help you get into the habit of making small 10-minute practice sketches for any painting, so you don't invest a lot of time and paint into something that should have been designed a different way or excluded several items.

 For this class I will give hands-on demos and explanations of the principles of composition, like: 
-what to include from your scene/reference photo
-what to edit out or move around and why
-how to correctly distribute your darks and lights for maximum impact
-how to compose the scene on your canvas/paper
-where to place your elements
show the ins and outs of perspective
and how to incorporate people in your scene, at the correct size!

You can paint/draw in any medium!

I want to illustrate these principles on YOUR projects and on as many of them as possible, so you get a lot of samples and ideas. We will have time to do one or two finished paintings if you wish, or you can get many starters as to composition and correct drawing to help you finish them at home.

I will do all demos on projects from you, the students. The more ideas and reference photos you bring, the better. Last time we went outside on 2 occasions and did lessons "en plein air" (on location). Everybody really enjoyed that, and with consensus from the students we will try and do that again.

There is nothing special to buy for this class. We will do lots of sketching, so bring paper or pad, pencils, grey markers and medium to large sharpies, and lots of reference photos of your liking. If you intend to paint an actual project after we discussed the elements of perspective and composition, bring your usual painting items.

I taught this class several times already, and it was very well-received. 
Please sign up directly with me here by responding to this email. Payment is due first day of class. If you cannot make all 6 lessons and you tell me beforehand, I will pro-rate the time you were present. The classes don't really build on one another, so you won't miss anything critical if you are absent from a session.

I need at least 9-10 students.

Please contact me with any questions or suggestions.
Ruth Squitieri