I survived the weekend! It was a lot of setup and preparation (thanks to my sweet boyfriend helping me all afternoon on Friday with setup, and breakdown on Sunday), and my booth looked great! Thanks to Buddy for loaning me the tent, and Pat for some of the walls.
Ich habe das Wochenende gut ueberstanden. Viel Arbeit und Hilfe von meinem Freund und etlichen Bekannten. Meine Bude sah sehr, sehr gut aus.
Saturday was well-visited, and I sold some prints. Sunday was much slower because of the impending rain. The festival was officially closed 2 hours before schedule, so most exhibitors (including me) finished breaking down their stuff before the torrential rain started.
Am Samstag hatten wir eine gute Besuchermenge, und ich verkaufte einige meiner Drucke. Am Sonntag war es weniger besucht, da Regen und Gewitter vorhergesagt waren. Alle Kuenstler (ich auch) konnten ihre Sachen und Buden vor dem grossen Regen gut unterbringen, was gut war.
Two of my paintings were pulled for judging, but since there were no categories, everything was lumped together (woodcarving was compared to jewelry to abstract art to watercolors to glass blowing). No prize for me this time... oh well. It was nice to meet a lot of great people, a special hi to my artist neighbors Larry and Chuck. There were about 130 artists exhibiting. I learned a lot about art festivals, and I am sure I will not exhibit at one too soon... Too much work for a not-so-sure turnaround.
Two of my paintings were pulled for judging, but since there were no categories, everything was lumped together (woodcarving was compared to jewelry to abstract art to watercolors to glass blowing). No prize for me this time... oh well. It was nice to meet a lot of great people, a special hi to my artist neighbors Larry and Chuck. There were about 130 artists exhibiting. I learned a lot about art festivals, and I am sure I will not exhibit at one too soon... Too much work for a not-so-sure turnaround.
I will participate at the Flagler paintout next weekend, will write about that later. Bye for now.
Zwei meiner Gemaelde wurden fuer die Jury genommen, doch da es keine Kategorien gab, waren alle Kunstwerke zusammen geschaetzt (wie kann man Holzschnitzerei mit Schmuck oder Glasblaeserei zu Abstrakter Kunst zu Aquarellen vergleichen?). Leider bekam ich also keinen Preis. Es waren ca. 130 Kuenstlerbuden am Fest. Ich lernte jedoch viele nette Leute kennen, vor allem meine Nachbarkuenstler Larry und Chuck, und lernte viel ueber Kunstfeste. Bin mir ziemlich sicher, so bald keines mehr als Aussteller mitzumachen... Zu viel Arbeit und keine sichere Aussicht auf Verkauefe, und man ist soviel vom Wetter abhaenging...