Oct 1, 2010

Painting Demo in DeLand

A few weeks ago I was asked to do a demo at the art league in DeLand for their monthly meeting. Today I went there and painted an oil painting from one of my photos in front of the assembled members. It was a lot of fun, and I believe that everybody got something out of it. I enjoyed it very much, and was able to talk and teach and answer questions while producing a finished painting in a little over an hour.
Vor einigen Wochen wurde ich angefragt, ob ich eine Maldemonstration fuer die Mitglieder des Kunstclubs in DeLand machen wuerde. Heute nachmittag fand die Demo statt, und ich malte ein groesseres Gemaelde von einem meiner Photos vor der versammelten Mitgliedschaft (ca. 13 Personen). Es machte viel Spass, und ich glaube, dass jeder was Gutes davon mitheimtragen konnte. Ich konnte tatsaechlich fast nonstop sprechen und lehren und Fragen beantworten, waehrend ich was ziemlich tolles produzierte.

Here I am with the start of my painting. I used my usual plein-aire setup since no easels were available. It worked out very nicely.
Hier bin ich mit meinem angefangenen Gemaelde. Ich benutzte mein Setup fuer Plein Air, da keine Staffeleien vorhanden waren.

Here is the progression of my steps, from underpainting of shadows, to highlights and addition of colors. I painted with 3 colors plus white on a 14"x11" masonite board.
Hier sind meine Mal-Schritte, von Untermalung der Schatten, zu den Highlights, zur eigentlichen "Bemalung".

My captive audience. Mein aufmerksames Publikum.

My setup, with some of my other paintings I brought along on the right.

Mein Setup, mit einigen meiner Gemaelde, die ich mitgebracht hatte.

4th of July 14"x11"

I believe I will add some people and an American flag to the painting in the following days, since it will enliven the painting. I did not have time to do that at the demo, and it looks a bit empty. Will show it in another post once done...
Ich glaube, in den naechsten paar Tagen werde ich ein paar Leute und die Am. Fahne hinzufuegen, was ich eigentlich machen wollte, jedoch dann keine Zeit mehr dafuer hatte. Ich glaube, das wird das Gemaelde ein bisschen mehr beleben. Werde es euch dann ganz fertig wieder hier zeigen...

Thanks to Larry for setting this up, and for Carol to invite me and make it happen! Thanks to Pat for shooting the photos! And thanks to everybody for coming!
Vielen Dank an Larry, Carol und Pat, und alle, die kamen!

1 comment:

Ruth Squitieri said...

I am posting this comment for Larry, who for some reason couldn't get into this system. This is what he emailed me:

Dear Ruth,

Your Demo was off the chain, wow it was great! One of the best if not the best that I have seen in the last 3 years. Everybody was talking about it after you left, how you very cleverly slipped in little pointers of your process into your work and were thorough and concise in your responses to their questions. With your long paint brush you appear much like a conductor directing a great symphony orchestra, the feelings you reveal as you paint are much the same also. I would like to see the finished product when you are done. Thank you so much for your marvelous work. You would make a very good art teacher. If I had to judge you on your demo-on a scale from 1-10, 10 being of course the best, I think I would give you a 9.999999998. That grade would mean that you were just two one hundred millionths off from being perfect. Not bad for a beginner. Think how great your next one will be!

God's peace,