Oct 28, 2011

Canaveral Seashore Paintout - Evening 4

Last night was the sunset paintout at JB's Fishcamp. This is a relaxed seafood restaurant about a mile north of the park entrance. We all met there after 4pm and found our favorite spots. There was the marsh view across the lagoon, some kayaks, a boat shed, the restaurant itself, and a nice street view to paint. We had lots of visitors, and they all wanted to chat and look. It was great!
Gestern abend hatten wir das Malereignis bei einem Seafood-restaurant in der Lagune, sehr malerisch und tolle Mal-Szenen. Wir trafen uns alle so gegen 16 Uhr und fanden tolle Szenen mitten unter den vielen Besuchern.

I painted on the dock with Lynn Whipple, who tried out and loved my masonite boards. Painter Larry Moore even came by, he was my first plein air instructor exactly 3 years ago! And I was painting my plein air pieces #93 and 94!
Ich malte auf dem Bootsteg neben Lynn, die auch gerne urbane Szenen malt, so wie ich. Dann kam noch Larry Moore zu Besuch, mit dem ich das Plein Air Malen vor genau 3 Jahren angefangen hatte. Seit seinem Workshop habe ich nun 94 Bilder draussen gemalt!

Since Lynn is interested in the same gritty, more urban stuff like me, we decided to turn our backs to the marsh before the sun set, and instead paint the rows of telephone poles leading past the parking lot to the beach.
Lynn und ich drehten den Ruecken zum malerischen Marsch-Blick und malten die Telephonposten, die ueber den Parkplatz hin zum Meer leiteten.

That Way To The Beach  9"x12" oil on masonite

Following are lots of pictures of the artists and all the action.
Und hier ein paar Bilder mit der ganzen Action.

The sunset at 6:30pm

My sunset painting. 7"x5". oil on masonite.

My first, and probably last, sunset painting. I do work fast, but this needs even more speed than I'm used to. And a very good accuracy in color mixing, which I am not good at and/or dislike. So anyway, I tried it, but think I will stay with the houses and alleyways during sunny days.
Mein erstes, und letztes!, Sonnenunterganggemaelde! Oh weh, da muss man echt schnell malen, und vor allem akkurated Farben hinkriegen.

Another challenge ahead: It is raining and totally overcast. Looks like we are going to paint downtown again, to catch the reflections on the wet streets. That's more like it, and something I had wanted to do for a long time too. So off I go, til tonight!
Heute regnet es den ganzen Tag, doch alle haben sich entschieden, die nassen Strassen mit den Reflektionen zu malen, was ich auch schon immer im Auge gehabt habe. Also, los geht's, bis heute abend dann!

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