Oct 13, 2013

Canaveral Seashore Paintout Part3

One day was spent on Flagler Ave, and I painted with new artist Kathleen Denis, whose color is just awesome! I found an alley right next to her, where she painted a commission, and due to her pure colors I wanted to try something really light and bright. See below.
Am naechsten Tag waren wir auf der malerischen Flagler Avenue, wo ich mit Kathleen Denis malte, die eine tolle helle farbliche Palette benutzt, und mich dazu angeregt hat, auch mal was in viel helleren Toenen zu malen.

Setup at the scene

One of my students (Bob with wife Cami) came by to chat and view.

Flagler Light, 11"x14", oil on masonite SOLD

In the evening we all met at JB's Fishcamp by the beach, where we all painted in and around the restaurant, and after sunset paintings were auctioned off. It was great fun, and one of mine (the one above, still wet) was sold. I was so excited!
Am Abend malten wir alle wie jedes Jahr bei JB's Fishcamp, was ne tolle Gaudi ist, und nach dem Sonnenuntergang wurden etliche Gemaelde auktioniert, wobei ich auch eines (das obige Flagler Light) verkaufen konnte. Das machte mich wirklich happy!

Just Before Sunset at JB's, 7"x5", oil on masonite

My setup at the river at JB's

Even my kids could finally see one of the paintouts and meet my artist friends and view the excitement.
Dieses Jahr konnten endlich mal meine Kinder vorbeischauen und sehen, was an so 'nem Paintout losgeht.

My "other German mom" Irene, who paints with me a lot. She viewed almost every demo and had as much fun as all of us.
Meine "andere deutsche Mutter" Irene, mit der ich oefters male, und die fast jede Demo angeschaut hatte.

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